
The civil wedding

If you prefer not to organize a religious wedding, Italy offers several possibilities to carry out a beautiful and legally recognized civil ceremony. The union is normally celebrated in the main room of the Municipality chosen to celebrate the wedding. Many of these spaces are lavishly decorated and historic, such as the Sala Rossa of Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, or, alternatively, can also be decorated and enhanced following a concept agreed upon with the wedding planners of Bianco Bouquet.

Location for the civil ceremony in Italy

Moreover, some Italian Municipalities make specific venues available, such as villas, gardens and castles, or even particular venues, such as the top of Mont Blanc in the city of Courmayeur.

Normally it is the city’s Major who celebrates the rite, or, alternatively, his/her delegate, and carries out the function in either Italian or other languages, if assisted by an interpreter. This kind of ceremony requires the nomination of at least one witness of age per spouse.

The civil rite

The rite lasts only 30 minutes, during which the articles of the Italian civil code are read out loud and the wedding vows are pronounced: the ceremony can be personalized in all of its parts, with speeches by friends and/or relatives, or even by the bride and groom themselves, and can be accompanied by live or recorded music.

Foreigner couples that are non-residents of Italy must first be granted a permit by their local Embassy and must then deliver such documents to the Municipality’s offices.

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